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AMP Superannuation Pty Limited
The directors of AMP Superannuation Pty Limited are responsible for its governance.
The directors of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited are responsible for the governance of the following superannuation funds:
  • Wealth Personal Superannuation and Pension Fund
  • AMP Super Fund
Tony Brain
Andrew Byrne
Independent, Non-executive director
Christopher Hall
Independent, Non-executive director
Kerrie Howard
Independent, Non-executive director
Tony Brain

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Chartered Accountant Australia and New Zealand
  • ASFA Certificate of Superannuation Management
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Board Member and Chair of Audit Committee of Futurity Investment Management Group Friendly Society
  • Member of Council, and Independent Member of Finance & Investment Committee, and Compliance and Risk Committees of Victoria University (ceased on 30 September 2023)
  • Member of Finance, Audit & Business Risk Committee of The Alannah & Madeline Foundation Member of Company Auditors Disciplinary Board (appointed 2017)
  • Member of the Risk and Finance Committee of the Magistrates Court of Victoria (appointed 2019)
  • Member of Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee of Merricks Capital (appointed 2022)
  • Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of Barwon Health (ceased on 30 June 2024)

Tony was appointed as an Independent Director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in September 2018. At the time of his appointment he also joined the Board Audit Committee for each of the trustee companies. Tony was appointed as Interim Chair of the boards in May 2019 and was subsequently appointed as Chair of the boards in November 2020.


Tony is a Chartered Accountant, with over 30 years’ experience in both Australia and the UK. This experience has included 28 years with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 12 of which as Partner responsible for the provision of assurance and advisory services to various clients in the financial services industry. Following this, Tony was Head of Risk Management at AustralianSuper for nearly three years. Previous Trustee director experience includes director of the trustee board of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Superannuation Fund, Chair of the trustee board of the Deloitte Superannuation Fund and Chair of a superannuation fund Acting Trustee through formal appointment by APRA.

Tony’s professional career now sees him focus on Non-Executive Director and related roles. In addition to the current roles set out above Tony was on the Board of Monash Health from July 2019 to June 2022 and Chaired the Finance Committee and was a member of each of the Risk & Compliance and Remuneration & Nominations Committee.

Andrew Byrne
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts (Accounting)
  • Diploma of Laws
  • Master of Applied Finance and Investment, FINSIA
  • Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA)
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Director (appointed 2021), Audit Committee member and Chair of Risk Committee of AIG Australia Ltd
  • Director of Byrne-Milin Investments Pty Ltd (appointed 1991)
  • Director of Milbyrne Pty Ltd (appointed 1991)

Andrew was appointed as an Independent Director and a member of the Audit Committees of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in September 2021.


Andrew has more than 35 years’ experience in leadership roles in highly regulated financial services roles across insurance, asset management and superannuation. He has held senior roles in large Australian insurers including Suncorp and IAG, as well as Senior Vice President and CEO roles responsible for Asia with multinationals AIG and Aegon based in Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong. 

Andrew has held many board directorships in Australia and Asia including chair and membership of risk, compliance and audit committees.

In addition to governance responsibilities, he is a strong advocate for the customer and using technology to deliver a better customer experience.

Christopher Hall
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Associate Diploma in Business (Credit Management)
  • Professional Management Program (MBA Program)
  • Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Chair of Funds SA Audit & Risk Committee (appointed February 2024)
  • Chair of COST-BRY Pty Ltd (trading as BiomeBank) (appointed 2022)
  • Non-executive Director of Funds SA and member of Audit and Risk Committees (appointed 2021)
  • Chairman of the Investment Committee of Perks Private Wealth Pty Ltd (appointed 2021)
  • Bedford Phoenix Inc. (appointed 2021)
  • Director of CC Hall Consulting Pty Ltd (appointed 2021)
  • Member of Investment Committee of Prince Alfred College Foundation (appointed 2022)


Chris brings extensive knowledge and expertise in investment and funds management, gained through 30 years professional experience in the industry.

During his career he has held a range of senior portfolio management and business leadership roles in Australia and Asia with National Asset Management, Goldman Sachs JB Were, Argo Investments, Blackrock Asset Management, and Ellerston Capital. Chris has an extensive background in asset management, with a strong investment performance track record and success in managing investment teams.

Kerrie Howard
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia

Director Positions

  • Member of Fire Rescue Victoria Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (appointed December 2020)
  • Director of Glenloch Inc (appointed 2018)
  • Member of Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board (appointed 2015)
  • Member of the Victorian Electoral Commission Audit and Risk Committee (appointed 2021)
  • Member of the Victorian Building Authority Audit and Risk Committee (appointed 2024)

Kerrie was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in November 2019. She was appointed as a member of the Risk Committees in March 2020, Interim Chair of the Audit Committees in July 2021 and as Chair of the Audit Committees in February 2022.


Kerrie has extensive senior executive and non-executive director experience in financial services, funds management and superannuation. She specialises in governance, legal advisory services, company secretarial, risk, compliance and assurance frameworks

Kerrie previously held a number of General Counsel and Company Secretary roles in the corporate and public sector including General Counsel and Corporation Secretary for Victorian Funds Management Corporation and General Counsel and Company Secretary for BlackRock Investment Management Australia.

Tricia Klinger
Independent, Non-executive director
Catherine McDowell
Independent, Non-executive director
Paul Scully
Independent, Non-executive director
Tricia Klinger
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Master of Commerce
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Non-Executive Director of Procurement Australasia Limited (appointed 2019)

Tricia was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of AMP Superannuation Limited and N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited in August 2021. She was appointed as a member of the N.M. Super Risk Committee in May 2024.


Tricia has more than 20 years’ experience in financial services leadership roles in strategy, marketing, product development and customer-led digital transformation and innovation. Throughout her executive career, Tricia has held several senior leadership roles at entities such as Macquarie Bank, ASX, Institute of Financial Planners Hong Kong and most recently at NRMA.

Tricia has extensive experience in innovation and emerging technologies and is both an advisor and investor in start-ups.

Catherine McDowell
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours
  • Diploma of Management
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Fellow of the Institute of Directors New Zealand
  • Affiliate of the Governance Institute of Australia

Director Positions

  • Non-Executive Director of Todd Family Office (appointed 2016)

Catherine was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in July 2019. She was appointed as a member of the Risk Committees in September 2019 and Chair of the Risk Committees in December 2019. She was also appointed as a member of the N.M. Super Trustee Board Investment Committee in May 2024.


Catherine is a career banker with specific expertise and experience in international asset management, trusts and super, and private and institutional banking. She has over 30 years of senior executive experience internationally, across USA, Europe, Africa, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and 15 years of board experience with listed, non-listed and not-for-profit organisations in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Catherine’s knowledge is both broad and deep across many disciplines including asset and super management in a regulated environment, trustee management, audit and risk management, financial management, change management, and strategy. She has chaired the National Provident Superannuation Fund, the Investment Committee, and been a member of risk and audit committees, and appointment and remuneration committees. Her particular interest and expertise is in super and asset management, and private wealth.

Paul Scully
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Doctor of Arts
  • Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries Australia
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Paul was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in November 2019. He was appointed as Chair of the Trustee Board Investment Committee in February 2020.


Paul is a highly accomplished financial services professional with experience as a non-executive director, CEO and general manager, covering investments, super, insurance, actuarial and broader risk management.

Paul has a deep understanding of the super sector and the fiduciary responsibilities involved in the oversight of funds management and super. From 2004 to 2015, he was a director of SAS Trustees. He was also a director of StatePlus Group (now part of Aware Super), the financial planning entity for the NSW State Superannuation Fund and Chair of its Investment Committee. From 1996 to 2003, Paul was the CEO and Managing Director of ING Investment Management Asia Pacific. In addition to this, Paul has held various other directorships for both listed and unlisted entities, been a member of a number of investment, audit, risk and other committees, undertaken consulting assignments, including for a pensions program of the Asian Development Bank, and taught investment management at Macquarie University.

Tony Brain
Andrew Byrne
Independent, Non-executive director
Tony Brain

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Chartered Accountant Australia and New Zealand
  • ASFA Certificate of Superannuation Management
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Board Member and Chair of Audit Committee of Futurity Investment Management Group Friendly Society
  • Member of Council, and Independent Member of Finance & Investment Committee, and Compliance and Risk Committees of Victoria University (ceased on 30 September 2023)
  • Member of Finance, Audit & Business Risk Committee of The Alannah & Madeline Foundation Member of Company Auditors Disciplinary Board (appointed 2017)
  • Member of the Risk and Finance Committee of the Magistrates Court of Victoria (appointed 2019)
  • Member of Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee of Merricks Capital (appointed 2022)
  • Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee of Barwon Health (ceased on 30 June 2024)

Tony was appointed as an Independent Director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in September 2018. At the time of his appointment he also joined the Board Audit Committee for each of the trustee companies. Tony was appointed as Interim Chair of the boards in May 2019 and was subsequently appointed as Chair of the boards in November 2020.


Tony is a Chartered Accountant, with over 30 years’ experience in both Australia and the UK. This experience has included 28 years with Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 12 of which as Partner responsible for the provision of assurance and advisory services to various clients in the financial services industry. Following this, Tony was Head of Risk Management at AustralianSuper for nearly three years. Previous Trustee director experience includes director of the trustee board of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Superannuation Fund, Chair of the trustee board of the Deloitte Superannuation Fund and Chair of a superannuation fund Acting Trustee through formal appointment by APRA.

Tony’s professional career now sees him focus on Non-Executive Director and related roles. In addition to the current roles set out above Tony was on the Board of Monash Health from July 2019 to June 2022 and Chaired the Finance Committee and was a member of each of the Risk & Compliance and Remuneration & Nominations Committee.

Andrew Byrne
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts (Accounting)
  • Diploma of Laws
  • Master of Applied Finance and Investment, FINSIA
  • Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA)
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Director (appointed 2021), Audit Committee member and Chair of Risk Committee of AIG Australia Ltd
  • Director of Byrne-Milin Investments Pty Ltd (appointed 1991)
  • Director of Milbyrne Pty Ltd (appointed 1991)

Andrew was appointed as an Independent Director and a member of the Audit Committees of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in September 2021.


Andrew has more than 35 years’ experience in leadership roles in highly regulated financial services roles across insurance, asset management and superannuation. He has held senior roles in large Australian insurers including Suncorp and IAG, as well as Senior Vice President and CEO roles responsible for Asia with multinationals AIG and Aegon based in Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong. 

Andrew has held many board directorships in Australia and Asia including chair and membership of risk, compliance and audit committees.

In addition to governance responsibilities, he is a strong advocate for the customer and using technology to deliver a better customer experience.

Christopher Hall
Independent, Non-executive director
Kerrie Howard
Independent, Non-executive director
Christopher Hall
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Associate Diploma in Business (Credit Management)
  • Professional Management Program (MBA Program)
  • Bachelor of Business (Finance)
  • Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Chair of Funds SA Audit & Risk Committee (appointed February 2024)
  • Chair of COST-BRY Pty Ltd (trading as BiomeBank) (appointed 2022)
  • Non-executive Director of Funds SA and member of Audit and Risk Committees (appointed 2021)
  • Chairman of the Investment Committee of Perks Private Wealth Pty Ltd (appointed 2021)
  • Bedford Phoenix Inc. (appointed 2021)
  • Director of CC Hall Consulting Pty Ltd (appointed 2021)
  • Member of Investment Committee of Prince Alfred College Foundation (appointed 2022)


Chris brings extensive knowledge and expertise in investment and funds management, gained through 30 years professional experience in the industry.

During his career he has held a range of senior portfolio management and business leadership roles in Australia and Asia with National Asset Management, Goldman Sachs JB Were, Argo Investments, Blackrock Asset Management, and Ellerston Capital. Chris has an extensive background in asset management, with a strong investment performance track record and success in managing investment teams.

Kerrie Howard
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia

Director Positions

  • Member of Fire Rescue Victoria Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (appointed December 2020)
  • Director of Glenloch Inc (appointed 2018)
  • Member of Companies Auditors Disciplinary Board (appointed 2015)
  • Member of the Victorian Electoral Commission Audit and Risk Committee (appointed 2021)
  • Member of the Victorian Building Authority Audit and Risk Committee (appointed 2024)

Kerrie was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in November 2019. She was appointed as a member of the Risk Committees in March 2020, Interim Chair of the Audit Committees in July 2021 and as Chair of the Audit Committees in February 2022.


Kerrie has extensive senior executive and non-executive director experience in financial services, funds management and superannuation. She specialises in governance, legal advisory services, company secretarial, risk, compliance and assurance frameworks

Kerrie previously held a number of General Counsel and Company Secretary roles in the corporate and public sector including General Counsel and Corporation Secretary for Victorian Funds Management Corporation and General Counsel and Company Secretary for BlackRock Investment Management Australia.

Tricia Klinger
Independent, Non-executive director
Catherine McDowell
Independent, Non-executive director
Tricia Klinger
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Master of Commerce
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Director Positions

  • Non-Executive Director of Procurement Australasia Limited (appointed 2019)

Tricia was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of AMP Superannuation Limited and N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited in August 2021. She was appointed as a member of the N.M. Super Risk Committee in May 2024.


Tricia has more than 20 years’ experience in financial services leadership roles in strategy, marketing, product development and customer-led digital transformation and innovation. Throughout her executive career, Tricia has held several senior leadership roles at entities such as Macquarie Bank, ASX, Institute of Financial Planners Hong Kong and most recently at NRMA.

Tricia has extensive experience in innovation and emerging technologies and is both an advisor and investor in start-ups.

Catherine McDowell
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours
  • Diploma of Management
  • Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Fellow of the Institute of Directors New Zealand
  • Affiliate of the Governance Institute of Australia

Director Positions

  • Non-Executive Director of Todd Family Office (appointed 2016)

Catherine was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in July 2019. She was appointed as a member of the Risk Committees in September 2019 and Chair of the Risk Committees in December 2019. She was also appointed as a member of the N.M. Super Trustee Board Investment Committee in May 2024.


Catherine is a career banker with specific expertise and experience in international asset management, trusts and super, and private and institutional banking. She has over 30 years of senior executive experience internationally, across USA, Europe, Africa, UK, Australia, and New Zealand, and 15 years of board experience with listed, non-listed and not-for-profit organisations in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Catherine’s knowledge is both broad and deep across many disciplines including asset and super management in a regulated environment, trustee management, audit and risk management, financial management, change management, and strategy. She has chaired the National Provident Superannuation Fund, the Investment Committee, and been a member of risk and audit committees, and appointment and remuneration committees. Her particular interest and expertise is in super and asset management, and private wealth.

Paul Scully
Independent, Non-executive director
Paul Scully
Independent, Non-executive director

Qualifications and Professional Memberships

  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies
  • Doctor of Arts
  • Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries Australia
  • Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors

Paul was appointed as an independent director of N.M. Superannuation Proprietary Limited and AMP Superannuation Limited in November 2019. He was appointed as Chair of the Trustee Board Investment Committee in February 2020.


Paul is a highly accomplished financial services professional with experience as a non-executive director, CEO and general manager, covering investments, super, insurance, actuarial and broader risk management.

Paul has a deep understanding of the super sector and the fiduciary responsibilities involved in the oversight of funds management and super. From 2004 to 2015, he was a director of SAS Trustees. He was also a director of StatePlus Group (now part of Aware Super), the financial planning entity for the NSW State Superannuation Fund and Chair of its Investment Committee. From 1996 to 2003, Paul was the CEO and Managing Director of ING Investment Management Asia Pacific. In addition to this, Paul has held various other directorships for both listed and unlisted entities, been a member of a number of investment, audit, risk and other committees, undertaken consulting assignments, including for a pensions program of the Asian Development Bank, and taught investment management at Macquarie University.